Rare benefits of microdosing



If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve heard of microdosing – the popular and impactful practice that is taking the Globe by storm. While the benefits of microdosing are widely discussed, such as increased creativity and focus, there are also other, lesser-known benefits that are worth exploring which is exactly what we will be going over in this blog.

Are you interested in learning about some of the lesser-known benefits of microdosing? Tired of reading about the same benefits over and over again? I’ve got you! While there is limited scientific research on the topic, anecdotal evidence suggests that microdosing can provide a range of unique advantages that people are beginning to explore. From improved relationships with loved ones to heightened senses and physical performance, the following are some of the most fascinating benefits of microdosing that aren’t discussed as much as they should be. As always, we will start with the basics!


What is microdosing?

Microdosing is the act/practice of consuming small, sub-perceptual amounts of a psychedelic substance, such as LSD (Lysergamide) or psilocybin (Tryptamine). The practice originated in the 1960s, but it has gained popularity in recent years as a way to improve productivity and creativity, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression while enhancing the overall quality of life.

This practice involves consuming a fraction of a regular or recreational dose. For example, a typical dose of LSD is 100mcg while a microdse of LSD can be between 5mcg-15mcg. The correct dose can be optimized depending on the person and their lifestyle. The goal is to experience the benefits of the substance without the hallucinations or other intense effects typically associated with higher doses and help your brain health potentially increase over time. If you feel high from your microdose, you are doing it wrong! This is a non-psychoactive practice and should only work as an ‘enhancer’.


Common benefits of microdosing

Moving on, we will briefly go over some common benefits to get started. If you’re considering giving microdosing a go, it’s helpful to understand some of the commonly shared benefits that regular users have reported. Here are some of the most common benefits that individuals experience when microdosing with psychedelic substances.


Energy: Many microdosers report feeling a natural yet noticeable boost of energy without experiencing any of the negative side effects that come with other popular energy boosters, such as caffeine in coffee and unhealthy energy drinks. Instead, users can achieve a clear and focused state of mind, allowing for higher levels of motivation and activity throughout the day.


Focus: People often turn to microdosing as a way to gain a more focused and sharper mind. By consuming very small amounts of psychedelics, users can more efficiently and productively carry out tasks without as many distractions. Microdosing may boost cognitive function, which can help combat chronic brain fog and a lack of focus.


Productivity/Efficiency: Microdosing may help individuals increase productivity and efficiency in their daily routines. This practice allows people to channel their energy into productivity, dreading the feeling of procrastination or lack of energy. As mentioned above, you can expect to experience an increase in cognitive function. This can be especially helpful for time management and problem solving. Two things that are helpful in functioning efficiently as possible!


Creativity: Many advocates claim that it enhances their creativity, making it an appealing practice for writers, artists and other creative individuals. Creativity can also be beneficial for business minded individuals! Through microdosing, users may come up with new and interesting ideas. This is believed to be down to a possible increase in neuroplasticity in the brain.


Motivation: Lastly, microdosing has been linked to increased motivation and overall emotional balance. Users who microdose have reported feeling a sense of calm and balance in their lives, giving them the boost needed to complete their daily tasks on time. When we feel down, it is 10x harder to get up and do ‘the thing’. As a result, this leads them to pursue their goals and ambitions with more excitement and enthusiasm!





Less-common benefits of microdosing

While many people are drawn to microdosing for its well-known benefits, there is more below the surface. I have been microdosing for nearly 7 years and as time goes on, you notice more positive impact from this practice. Here, we’ll delve into some of the lesser-known yet powerful effects of microdosing.


1. Fresh perspectives – Microdosing can give individuals a new perspective on themselves, their lives, and their relationships and the world around them. It can help you in feeling more open-minded and curious. The heightened sense of creativity could enable you to approach problems and challenges in fresh ways, leading to breakthroughs that you might not have found otherwise. Additionally, microdosing can offer a new appreciation for the world around them, leading to greater awe and gratitude. Magic happens when you start to naturally think outside of the box.


2. Relationships – By reducing social anxiety and increasing empathy, microdosing can improve individuals’ platonic and romantic relationships. You will likely experience feeling more connected to others, while being able to communicate your emotions and thoughts. Additionally, you may pick up on an elevated sense of intimacy with those around you. This increased flow of communication can build trust and deeper connection, creating meaningful and positive relationships with others. Lastly, it can also help you take a better look at yourself, which you can use as building blocks for creating a healthier relationship with yourself. At the end of the day, the most important relationship you can possibly build is the one with yourself.


3. Processing past trauma – Microdosing can act as a catalyst for deeper emotional and spirituality healing, especially in those who have experienced past trauma. Due to its ability to increase mindfulness and self-awareness, you may be more capable of confronting the pain and fears that have kept them stuck and process them in a new way. Many people swear by microdosing as a powerful tool to ‘rewire the brain’. Using psychedelics in large amounts is known to treat depression, anxiety, addition and even PTSD. That being said, taking smaller amounts, such as a microdose may help with processing past events.


4. Problem-solving skills – Problems are inevitable in life. Learning how to deal with the continuous obstacles that life throws our way is a life-changing skill. Microdosing can unlock the potential for increased creative problem-solving capabilities. One reasoning behind this could be because it helps reduce stress and anxiety, enabling individuals to think more clearly and rationally. Another reasoning may also be enhanced neuroplasticity. Since microdosing can also trigger changes in perception, microdosers may experience informative insights and breakthroughs in their thinking and approach to problems, leading to innovative approaches and solutions.


5. Sleep – Microdosing may help improve sleep quality by enabling individuals to relax and rest more comfortably. Moreso, by decreasing anxiety and racing thoughts at bedtime, microdosing can help break insomnia cycles, leading to overall better sleep habits and patterns. However, be careful because if you take your microdose too late in the day, it can have an opposite effect. Microdosing is a slightly stimulation experience. That being said, make sure you are always taking your doses in the morning 1 hour after getting out of bed with some nourishing food and water, especially if you are sensitive to stimulation.


6. Self-development and spiritual growthMicrodosing can instigate transformative spiritual and personal growth. By increasing and practicing self-awareness, you may find yourself questioning your beliefs, values, priorities and much more. This can in turn lead to a reevaluation and reassessment of your life path and relationships. Microdosing can help those seeking greater purpose and meaning in life. You may find that this practice helps unlock insights that can ignite profound personal and spiritual transformations.


7. Resilience – Microdosing can also lead to increased resilience to stress, life events and emotional discomfort. Microdosers often find that it enhances their coping abilities in tough situations and promotes a greater sense of emotional stability. Since this practice can help with processioning past events, it sure can help in processing events in real time! You may be able to face problems head on in a way that is new to you. This can help individuals better manage and move past difficult circumstances while maintaining focus and a sense of inner peace. Remember, its not the event that matters, its how you respond to the event that truly matters. You are resilient and you are in control!


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Final thoughts

Microdosing is a journey that looks different for every individual. While microdosing has the potential to unlock numerous benefits, what works for one person may not work for someone else. Remember that the journey is unique, and there is no “one size fits all” approach to microdosing.

When we approach microdosing as a tool to better ourselves, it becomes clear that the true work lies outside of the actual dose. This is the most important thing I’ve realised during my years of microdosing. It’s about taking conscious steps towards personal growth and aligning our actions with our intentions. Microdosing can give us a boost, but it cannot do the work for us. The true work comes from within, in the moments when we maintain an openness to new experiences, a desire for learning and a willingness to evolve.

Starting your microdosing journey often involves facing things that have been buried deep within us for a long time. However, by unleashing these things, we are granted the opportunity to process and heal them in a new and empowering way. Everyone has vastly different experiences of the past that require unique things to fully process and move on from. For many, microdosing is an exceptional and effective tool for exactly that.

Remember that the power of microdosing lies not in the substance itself, but in your intention and use of it. If you’re looking to use it as a tool for personal growth, remember to approach it with an open heart. Always consider seeking out other means of support in conjunction with microdosing for the best results. By being mindful and intentional, you may find that it can set you on the path to inner peace, clarity and healing.



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