The intricate history of magic mushrooms


Embark on an extraordinary journey through the captivating and complex history of magic mushrooms. These mystical shrooms go far beyond their reputation as a recreational drug – they have been instrumental in unlocking spiritual and religious practices for various cultures throughout human history. The tales of this historic fungi transport us from the pre-Columbian cultures of Central America to the ancient shamanic societies of Africa and across the globe to the modern-day studies of its benefits to the human consciousness.

With their extraordinary properties, these “flesh of the gods” were used for spiritual insight, healing and communication with the divine, shaping our beliefs and practices to this very day. Delve into this fascinating world with me, as we uncover the enthralling and captivating story of the magic mushroom; a story that has shaped humanity for centuries and will continue to do so. But first, let’s start with the basics!


What are magic mushrooms?

Before getting into the history of magic mushrooms, let’s have a look at some factual information first. Magic mushrooms, scientifically known as Psilocybin mushrooms, are a type of fungi that contain psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound. On some ways, psilocybin mimics the effects of serotonin, a naturally occurring mood-balancing chemical in the brain that regulates mood.

The mushrooms themselves come in various shapes and sizes. From small button-like mushrooms found in grassy fields to large and bulbous caps growing on rotting logs. They typically range in color from brown to grayish-white with noticeable blue bruising on their stalks. These mushrooms can be grown at home and are often found growing wild in humid climates all around the world. They are most commonly found in Mexico and Central and South America. These regions are also where much of their history with humans unfolded.

The consumption of magic mushrooms can produce varying effects, depending on dosage, individual tolerance and many other factors. However, they are typically they are known to produce unbelievably high levels of euphoria, altered perception and enhanced sensory experiences. Users often describe feeling a heightened sense of empathy and connectedness to others and their physical surroundings. The effects can also cause changes in time perception and a sense of disassociation from reality. It’s important to note that while some people may experience pleasant effects, others may experience unpleasant effects such as paranoia, anxiety and panic attacks. Magic mushrooms are extremely powerful and should be taken with caution and respect.

The active compounds in magic mushrooms are rapidly metabolized and can be detected in the bloodstream within 30 minutes of consumption. The duration of the effects typically lasts between 4-6 hours but can last up to 8 hours or more. But enough about that, let’s move on and go over the history of these magical little beings.


The colourful history of magic mushrooms

Magic mushrooms have a long-standing history of use spanning across various cultures, time periods and regions. The earliest known usage of magic mushrooms dates back to the pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures of Central America, including the Aztecs, Mixtecs and Maya. Aztecs referred to the mushrooms as “teonanácatl,” meaning “flesh of the gods,” and associated them with divine powers, deep-rooted healing and spiritual experiences. The Aztecs believed that consuming these mushrooms could connect them with the gods and spirits, allowing them to gain profound insight and visions. The mushrooms were primarily used during religious ceremonies and rituals and were often consumed in groups as a communal experience.

The Mixtecs, another pre-Columbian civilization, also used mushrooms as part of their religious practices. They associated mushrooms with their deity, the god of rain and lightning, holding them in high esteem as a powerful tool for spiritual development and healing. Similarly, the Maya people used mushrooms in their religious ceremonies, viewing them as a valuable aid in communicating with the gods and divine entities.

In South Africa, the Bantu-speaking San people have been using a species of psilocybin mushrooms called Psilocybe caerulescens in their traditional healing and divination practices for centuries. The San people believe that the mushrooms can provide spiritual enhancements and bring hidden knowledge to light. They also incorporate mushrooms into their dances and music as a means of connecting with the spiritual world and communicating with their ancestors.

In ancient India, a sacred mushroom that was known as “soma,” was considered a vital part of Hindu religious practices. The Vedic texts describe soma as a sacred plant, capable of leading people to a higher plane of consciousness and spiritual awareness. Soma was also believed to have healing powers, and was used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat various ailments.



In ancient China, magic mushrooms were used as far back as 200 BCE, when philosopher Zhuang Zhou referred to them as “magic fungus.” Mushrooms were incorporated into Chinese medicine as a treatment for various illnesses and to promote longevity, as well as being used as part of Taoist spiritual practices. Not only magic mushrooms, but also medicinal mushrooms were and still are used in Chinese medicine today.

Throughout history, the use of magic mushrooms has also been associated with shamanic cultures across the globe. Most shamanic societies viewed the mushrooms as a tool for spiritual transformation, healing and connecting with the divine. During shamanic ceremonies, partakers would typically consume them for ritualistic purposes. Magic mushrooms, and other psychedelics, were also used as a means of developing psychic abilities, divination and contacting spirits. Some rituals had the motive of physically healing, due to their belief that illness was a result of evils spirits occupying the physical body.

During the 1950s/1960s, researchers and scientists began studying the effects of psilocybin and other psychedelics. These studies ultimately led to the discovery of new treatment methods for depression, anxiety, PTSD and addiction. However, with the increasing recreational use of psilocybin in the 1960s, the mushroom faced legal backlash and was outlawed in many countries around the world.

Despite the legal restrictions, interest in the therapeutic potential of psilocybin continued, and in recent years, multiple studies have investigated the medical benefits of psilocybin. In fact, in 2018, the FDA granted “breakthrough therapy” designation to psilocybin-assisted therapy in treating depression! Additionally, multiple clinics and retreat centers are currently operating worldwide, offering supervised psychedelic experiences as a means of treating mental health illnesses and increasing overall well-being to those in need of assistance.

Magic mushrooms have been an important part of human history, with their usage dating back several millennia. Many of the traditional practices and cultural beliefs associated with mushrooms continue to influence modern practices. The psilocybin content in mushrooms is actually illegal in many countries.

Overall, the history of magic mushroom usage is a fascinating one, spanned across cultures, time periods, regions and will continue to be an object of great interest and curiosity for many years to come. Note that the history of magic mushrooms shared above is breif. We are still uncovering tons of evidence of ancient magic mushroom usage as time goes on. Our findings are abundant but are still expanding! There is loads of information I missed because it really is a massive topic to cover. I urge you to continue your research. History is never dull, especially the history of psychedelics!


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Final Thoughts

As we reach the end of this blog, the question now surfaces: what can we gain from all of this knowledge? What can we learn about ourselves and our connection to the world around us? The history of magic mushrooms reminds us of the many layers that exist in our world, the unseen and unknown possibilities that often escape us in our daily lives. It challenges us to look beyond the limitations of our conditioned minds and explore new avenues of understanding and consciousness.



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