The Ultimate Guide to LSD Droppers

LSD comes in many forms. LSD originates as a crystal with a similar molecular structure as the neurotransmitter serotonin. However, between the time that it is synthesized and the time that it is distributed, it may undergo certain changes.

In the modern-day, LSD is most commonly distributed on blotter paper. Blotters are a special form of paper that can easily absorb LSD. This makes it easy to divide certain dosages and transport.

However, liquid LSD is another popular form. Liquid LSD is generally transported in an LSD dropper which contains a certain number of doses. Liquid LSD can provide a number of benefits that one can’t get from a blotter, such as the use of volumetric dosing.

This article will explore the use of LSD droppers and their benefits and drawbacks.

LSD Production Methods

After LSD is first synthesized, chemists generally dissolve it in a solvent such as alcohol. It is rare for LSD to make it outside of the laboratory in crystal form. Due to the sheer potency of the substance, this is dangerous and creates a number of risks.

Dissolving and diluting LSD in a solvent allows for a number of things. It becomes easier to transport, it can be diluted and therefore becomes less dangerously potent, and it’s easier to store.

LSD then goes through one of a number of different processes before being distributed.

    ⮞ If it’s being made  into ‘microdots,’ it is generally mixed with a number of binding agents and pressed
    into a pill 
    ⮞ If it’s being sold as gel pills, it’s mixed with gelatin 
    ⮞ If it’s being sold on blotter paper, it will be added to the paper 

Lastly, LSD can also be sold in liquid form. Liquid LSD is the most potent form of the substance aside from pure LSD crystal. It must be taken with an LSD dropper to prevent any dangers.

Benefits of Using an LSD Dropper

There are a number of reasons that you may want to use LSD in liquid form. 

One of the main reasons is because LSD droppers contain a set amount of LSD. Once you know how potent the solution is, you will be able to figure out the exact number of milligrams available in each dropper.

LSD dropper bottles also provide an avenue of safe storage. If you keep the LSD in a cool, dark space, it can be stored for many years. 

Applications for Liquid LSD

    ⮞ LSD can be taken from the dropper bottle and added to a number of different things to create effective
    ⮞ Liquid LSD can be dropped onto a sugar cube. The sugar cube will absorb the LSD and keep it safe for a
     short time. 
    ⮞ Liquid LSD can be placed onto a spoon. 
    ⮞ Liquid LSD absorbs easily through the mucous membranes of the body. Sublingual absorption is a
     technique often employed by pharmacists and doctors. This form of administration involves substances
     being absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the mouth. 

Liquid LSD Potency

Because there are no government-ordained standards regarding the production and distribution of LSD, it can be difficult to determine the potency of liquid LSD. Generally, the amount of LSD present in a single drop ranges from between 75 micrograms to 300 micrograms.

This variance is incredibly important to be aware of. A 75 microgram dose is considered medium-strength, whereas 300 micrograms is considered incredibly strong. Anyone dealing with liquid LSD should be aware of its potency prior to handling it.

The dosage of LSD will be determined by the amount of solvent used. If 10 mg (10,000 micrograms) of LSD is dissolved in 100 mL of solvent, then each mL of solvent will contain 100 micrograms.

However, different manufacturers have their own preferences and techniques. The only way to be certain about the potency of liquid LSD is to contact the manufacturer.

Volumetric Dosing

One of the most important benefits of liquid LSD is the allowance for volumetric dosing.

Because LSD is an extremely potent chemical, it’s often preferred to minimize the dosage. However, because a regular dose only consists of a microscopic amount of the chemical, this can be challenging. You can’t simply separate the LSD crystals to reach an appropriate dose without the use of a microscope and very small tools.

Liquid LSD, however, eliminates this difficulty. 

If you know the strength of a liquid LSD solution, then you can begin the practice of volumetric dosing. This involves the addition of further diluting agents in order to alter the dose of LSD.

Say, for example, you have an LSD dropper that contains 100 mcg of LSD per drop. Since you can’t split a single drop in half, you would have to volumetrically dose to receive a lower dose.

To do this, you would add a drop into a different solution. Say you added one drop into 2 ml. Then the 2 ml would contain 100 mcg of LSD. If you then split the 2 ml into doses of 1 ml each, you would have two separate doses of 50 mcg.

Volumetric dosing is very useful for people who are interested in microdosing but prefer the security and stability of liquid LSD.

Liquid LSD Precautions

Because of the sheer potency of liquid LSD, it’s important to remain cautious about its usage, transportation, and storage.

Because it’s such a strong compound, liquid LSD can actually be absorbed through the skin. This means that anybody transporting liquid LSD must be extremely careful not to accidentally splash any of it on their skin or anyone else’s.

It’s also incredibly important to be cautious about the amount of LSD being delivered from the dropper bottle. The difference between one drop of LSD and two drops of LSD can be profound. If you accidentally employ the wrong amount of LSD, a number of disastrous things could happen.


Liquid LSD dropper bottles are one of the safest and most reliable ways to use LSD. Liquid LSD is incredibly potent, however, and caution should be used when experimenting or distributing this substance.

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