Natures Best Anti-Depressants


Nature is abundant in tiny chemical helpers that can heal the mind and body. While there are many prescription and over-the-counter medications for treating anxiety and depression, some natural alternatives have been proven to be effective without the negative side effects associated with pharmaceuticals. When it comes to treating depression, nature provides a powerful tool for combating feelings of stress, anxiety and general sadness.

Sadly, depression is a common mental disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. This condition can interfere with daily functioning and lead to serious physical and emotional problems later on in life. The good news is that nature offers a host of anti-depressant properties that can help alleviate symptoms of depression without harmful side effects. Not to say that pharmaceutical medicines do not have their time and place. All I am saying is that they are often handed out before the OG healer is prescribed: Mother Nature.

Plants have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years, it is how we survived and got this far as Humans. Many of them have been found to have potent mood-boosting and anti-depressant effects. Certain compounds found in plants, such as alkaloids, flavonoids and terpenes can help to regulate mood and improve overall mental health. By incorporating these plants into our diet or daily habits, we can tap into the natural healing effects of nature and improve our mental space.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most effective natural anti-depressants found in nature. From herbs to foods to supplements, there are many ways to naturally boost mood and protect against depression. But first we will begin with the most basic understanding of brain chemistry.


The science of ‘happy chemicals’ and the reality of depression

To understand the effectiveness of natural anti-depressants, it’s important to understand the science behind depression and the chemicals that contribute to our mood. Our brain has four primary neurotransmitters known as happy chemicals – dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins. These chemicals are responsible for regulating our mood, behaviour and emotions.

When our happy chemicals are produced and released in the right amounts, we experience feelings of joy, happiness and contentment. However, when these neurotransmitters are out of balance, it can lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety, depression and more debilitating conditions. Let’s have a close look at the two most well known happy chemicals.

Serotonin is one of the most well-known neurotransmitters when it comes to depression. It’s responsible for regulating mood, appetite, and sleep. Low levels of serotonin have been directly linked to depression, anxiety, and countless other mood disorders. On the other hand, dopamine is associated with pleasure, motivation, and reward. Low levels of dopamine can lead to feelings of apathy, fatigue, and anhedonia (loss of pleasure in activities that were once enjoyable).

Oxytocin is our “love hormone,” which is released when we hug, cuddle, or bond with others. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety and promotes feelings of trust and relaxation. Finally, endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers and are released during exercise, sex, and other pleasurable activities. They help to relieve pain and stress and promote feelings of well-being. This is why connection with others, whether that be platonic or romantic, is vital to thrive.

Now that we know how these neurotransmitters play a role in our mood, let’s take a look at some of the natural anti-depressants that can help to increase the production and release of these happy chemicals without the use of potentially harmful pharmaceuticals.



Nature 5 top anti-depressants: Backed by science

In this section, we’ll be discussing five top natural anti-depressants found in nature. These natural substances help increase the production of happy chemicals in the brain, thereby reducing feelings of stress, anxiety and depression.


1. 5-HTP:

5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is an amino acid that plays a critical role in serotonin production. It’s a potent natural anti-depressant supplement that helps to regulate and improve mood symptoms. 5-HTP is found in certain plants and is also available in supplement form. Studies have shown that regular use of this supplement can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.


2. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is a natural herb that has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine to improve cognitive function and circulation. In fact, it belongs to the most ancient tree species in history that still stands today! It’s also known for its mood-boosting effects and anti-depressant properties. Ginkgo Biloba increases the production of dopamine and serotonin, which helps regulate mood, alleviate anxiety and improve mental clarity.


3. Psilocybin

Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelics compound found in certain types of mushrooms and magic truffles. Studies have shown that Psilocybin can help to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in people with treatment-resistant depression. This natural compound helps to increase serotonin levels in the brain, which improves mood and reduces anxiety. Although this one is less accessible due to multi-government attempts to demonize this healing compound, there are options if you live in Europe. I can suggest using magic truffles, however, I cannot suggest using it as a replacement for prescribed medications. At the end of the day, please, seek professional help if you need it. However, it is nice to know that this is an option for those located in the EU if you want some extra assistance. Microdosing magic truffles is a great option for giving your brain a bit of a boost!



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4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids


Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that are found in foods like fish, nuts and seeds. These fatty acids are crucial for mental health and have been found to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Omega-3 fatty acids play a critical role in maintaining healthy brain function and mood regulation. Foods that contain high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids are often known as ‘brain foods’.


5. Greenery & Sunshine- The Synergistic Duo

Ahh yes, natures very best healing option… Going out into nature! Simple as that. Research has shown that simply spending time outside and surrounding yourself in greenery can have a positive impact on your mental health. The combination of natural sunlight and greenery boosts the production of happy chemicals in the brain almost instantly and the effects can last for many hours to follow. Doing this frequently can have an even longer lasting effect! This duo helps regulate mood, reduces stress, and enhances feelings of well-being. Spending time in nature is a phenomenal way to combat feelings of sadness, anxiety, and depression.

In conclusion, natural anti-depressants found in nature have proven to be an effective and safe alternative to traditional anti-depressant medications. By incorporating these substances into our daily lives, we can tap into the healing effects of nature and promote overall mental wellness. As always, I must clarify that I am not a health care professional. Always listen to your health care provider. I am simply someone with many years of self-research behind me, I am in no means a professional, just an individual that believes in the power of nature.


Closing thoughts

While natural antidepressants can play a crucial role in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, it’s important to remember that no one solution can magically fix everything. Mental health is complex and ongoing journey for us all. Never let someone fool you into thinking that there is a one-size-fits-all approach that works for everyone.

Lastly, social connections are key to mental wellness, so reaching out to loved ones, connecting with support groups, or seeking counselling can be effective ways to manage depression. Recognizing when it’s time to seek professional help is vital. Mental health professionals are trained to help people navigate depression and anxiety and will know how to approach your mental health complications.

As always: Do not give up, do not stop trying and GO OUTSIDE!



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