What is 1B-LSD?


What is 1B-LSD? Very little data exists about who discovered it. We know it surfaced in the research chemical market in 2018. And we know it’s a molecule substance of the Lysergamide family, and its chemical name is 1-Butanoyl-d-lysergic acid diethylamide.

But beyond that?

According to Sweden’s public health agency, 1B-LSD is a hazardous substance. The US government doesn’t ban it, but as an analogue of LSD, you may be prosecuted if found in possession of it.

But then we have places like Switzerland. 1B-LSD is legal when used for scientific or industrial uses. And that’s how we’ll approach the topic here.

But before we can answer, “What is 1B-LSD,” we should clarify what research chemicals are.


Research Chemicals are like Baseball Cards 

People collect baseball cards for many reasons. Some people collect them as a hobby, while others do it as an investment. Baseball cards can be valuable because they can be rare, and some people enjoy the challenge of trying to find and collect as many different cards as possible. 

For some people, collecting baseball cards is a way to connect with the sport’s history and to remember and honour the players who have made significant contributions to the game. For others, collecting baseball cards is simply a fun and enjoyable pastime.

Sound familiar? Notice how baseball card collecting isn’t synonymous with playing baseball? It’s similar to research chemicals.

Researchers will collect different substances, like analogues of LSD. Sometimes they do it as a hobby, curious about mother nature’s inner workings.

Others are researching it as a form of investment. Research chemicals have scientific and medical potential. A researcher who isolates a beneficial compound could make millions depending on the discovery.

Like baseball cards, research chemicals have their own allure independent of their origin. For example, baseball cards feature baseball players on them, but that’s where the similarities end. You can look at the stats on the back of the baseball card, but it’s different from watching a game.

Or even playing in the game.

Likewise, many research chemicals live a double life as “designer drugs,” but one isn’t synonymous with the other. 

A baseball card collector may care more for an old Mickey Mantle card than whoever is playing in the World Series that year. Just as a researcher studies the scientific properties of 1B-LSD, never mind any possible consumption effects.

In fact, these compounds were not designed and are not sold for human consumption. Research chemicals are typically designed to be similar to existing substances but with slight modifications that make them more suitable for research. This is also why we sell our research chemicals in droppers.


What is 1B-LSD?

So what are some of these slight modifications that produce 1B-LSD?

All Lysergamides are isolated from a fungus called ergo. Ergot contains compounds known as ergot alkaloids, each having a tetracyclic ergoline ring system. Modifying the ergoline ring system in the N1 position is the most frequently performed change you’ll see with this substance. 

1B-LSD is structurally similar to 1P-LSD and named for the butyryl group bound to the nitrogen of the polycyclic indole group. In contrast to LSD, 1B-LSD has an additional N1-butyryl group.

Like other acyl homologs (such as 1P-LSD), 1B-LSD is deacylated via CYP1A2 and CYP3A4 by eliminating the butyric acid. 

That’s where the “B” in 1B-LSD comes from. But why butyric acid?

Butyric acid, also known as butanoic acid, is a short-chain fatty acid with the chemical formula C4H8O2. It is a colourless liquid with a strong, pungent odour. Butyric acid is found naturally in butter and other dairy products and in the feces of animals. The fermentation of sugars by certain bacteria also produces it.

Butyric acid has a number of uses. It is used as a flavour enhancer in the food industry and in the production of plastics and other chemicals. It is also used as a solvent for resins and other substances and as a reagent in synthesizing other chemicals.

Butyric acid can be toxic in large amounts. Exposure to high concentrations can cause irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. It is flammable, and researchers should handle it with caution.

And when researchers eliminate butyric acid from the equation, we end up with a different compound. Modifying the ergoline ring system in the N1 position creates analogues like 1B-LSD.


Click here to buy 1B-LSD!


What Now?

Now that you know what 1B-LSD is, the question is, what kind of research will you be doing?

The Ehrlich reagent, for example, is a chemical test used to identify the presence of indoles, a class of organic compounds found in a wide range of natural products. This is a popular test used on Lysergamides. 

The reagent consists of a mixture of p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde and hydrochloric acid, which reacts with indoles to produce a pink or red colour.

Researchers use the Ehrlich reagent to identify indoles in the laboratory, particularly in analyzing natural products. They also use it as a tool in the synthesis of indole-based compounds.

To use the Ehrlich reagent, a small amount of the reagent is added to a solution containing the compound, in this case, 1B-LSD.



If the compound is an indole, the solution will change colour. Researchers can use the intensity of the colour change to estimate the concentration of indole present in the sample.

It is important to note that the Ehrlich reagent is not specific for indoles and may also produce a colour reaction with other compounds. It is often used in combination with other tests to confirm the presence of indoles in a sample.

You should also wear gloves. The first LSD trip was from a researcher who accidentally got some on his skin. Also, be patient. Some Lysergamides analogues are known to react slower than others. You may only notice colour changes only after a few hours.


In Summary

1B-LSD is one of the many exciting LSD analogues to enter the research market. While its origins are unknown, and not much is known about the substance itself, that gives it such potential.

The more research we can do on 1B-LSD, the more information we’ll have on this Lysergamide. So why not get started today? 



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