What is 1D-LSD?


What is 1D-LSD? 1D-LSD stands for 1-(1,2-dimethylcyclobutane-1-carbonyl)-lysergic acid diethylamide. It is a research chemical and prodrug of LSD. 

1D-LSD is currently legal in Germany, France, Japan and almost every country where there isn’t a ban on Lysergamides. Please note that by the time you may be reading this article, these laws may have changed already. 

Lysergamides are a class of chemical compounds that chemists derive from lysergic acid, a naturally-occurring substance found in certain fungi.

As a research chemical, 1D-LSD is designed to be similar to existing substances but with slight modifications that make it more suitable for scientific research.

From a chemical perspective, what makes 1D-LSD unique is the highly-strained 1,2-dimethylcyclobutane group. The significance of 1D-LSD’s properties is equal to 1V-LSD and structurally similar to 1cP-LSD.


Why Research Chemicals?

Research chemicals are chemically synthesized substances that no one has approved for human or animal consumption. We sell them for research purposes only. These chemicals are often used as experimental tools in scientific research, particularly in the field of chemistry.


What Are LSD Prodrugs?

LSD prodrugs, also known as Lysergamides, are a class of chemical compounds with a similar structure to Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). These compounds are often referred to as research chemicals as they are chemically synthesized and are not designed for human or animal consumption.

Some examples of Lysergamides include AL-LAD, LSZ, 1cP-LSD, 1B-LSD, and, of course, 1D-LSD.


What is a Lysergamide?

Lysergamides are a class of chemical compounds structurally related to lysergic acid, the primary component of Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). Lysergamides are popular in the research chemical community.

Lysergic acid is a naturally occurring chemical compound in the ergot fungus, which grows on grains such as rye. It is the core structure of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), a powerful psychedelic drug was first synthesized in 1938 by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann. 


What is 1D-LSD? 

1D-LSD may be similar to 1cP-LSD. Both are structural derivatives of LSD, with an added cyclobutane group at the nitrogen atom of the indole group.

The indole group is a nitrogen-containing ring structure in many naturally occurring compounds, including alkaloids and amino acids. The nitrogen atom in the indole ring is a critical structural feature involved in the properties of compounds like LSD.

Adding a cyclobutane group to the nitrogen atom of the indole group means that a four-carbon ring is attached to that nitrogen atom. This change in the chemical structure of the compound could alter the properties of the compound, as well as its pharmacokinetics.

A cyclobutane group is a four-carbon ring chemical structure with the chemical formula C4H8. It is composed of four carbon atoms and four single bonds between them. Cyclobutane is a relatively stable compound, but we don’t find it in large quantities in nature. Researchers use it as a chemical intermediate in synthesizing other compounds.

In this case, we are attaching the cyclobutane group to the nitrogen atom of the indole group, which is a critical structural feature in the properties of compounds like Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). 



High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

One standard method is to use High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a separation technique that researchers use to separate, identify, and quantify the components of a mixture. It is a type of liquid chromatography that uses a highly pressurized liquid mobile phase to force a sample mixture through a column filled with a solid stationary phase.

In HPLC, researchers inject the mixture into a column containing a stationary phase, which can be a solid, liquid or gel. Depending on their chemical properties, the mixture’s components interact with the stationary phase differently and are separated as they flow through the column.

The separated components then travel through a detector, which generates a signal proportional to each component’s concentration in the mixture. This signal is then recorded and analyzed by a computer to produce a chromatogram showing the relative concentrations of the elements in the mix.

HPLC is a powerful tool to measure the concentration of 1D-LSD in a sample. HPLC is a technique that separates and measures the components of a mixture by using a liquid mobile phase and a stationary phase. This method can give very accurate results but requires a lab with specific equipment and a trained chemist to operate it.


Thin-layer chromatography (TLC)

Another method is Thin-layer chromatography (TLC).

TLC is a technique researchers use to separate and identify the components of a mixture. It is a type of liquid chromatography that uses a thin layer of a stationary phase on a glass, plastic or aluminum plate.

In TLC, researchers apply a small amount of the mixture to the plate as a spot or a thin line. They then place the plate in a container with a small amount of a liquid mobile phase, which is drawn up the plate by capillary action.

As the mobile phase moves up the plate, the mixture’s components interact with the stationary phase differently, depending on their chemical properties. They are separated as they travel up the plate.

Researchers can visualize the separated components by various methods, such as staining with a reagent that reacts differently with each element or exposing the plate to UV light, which will cause specific components to fluoresce.

TLC is a simple, low-cost and rapid method of analyzing mixtures and is widely used in various fields, such as chemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, food science, and forensic science. However, it is less accurate and less sensitive than HPLC, and it is not as good at separating complex mixtures as HPLC.


Reagent Tests

Another option is to use reagent tests, which are chemical tests that change colour in the presence of certain substances. However, it’s important to note that reagent tests may not be as accurate as other methods and may not be able to distinguish between different types of Lysergamides.


Final Thoughts

Because 1D-LSD is new, we know very little about it. That said, as an LSD prodrug, we have some idea of its properties and the kind of scientific testing we can perform.

And with 1D-LSD currently legal in places that typically ban research chemicals, there’s never been a better time to research for yourself, “What is 1D-LSD?”

As always, use protective gear when experimenting with any research chemicals. We are the only vendor in the world that sells 1D-LSD in liquid form and always stress the fact that one is to be extra cautious when handling liquid Lysergamides vs research chemicals in different forms. 


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