Psychedelic Stocks: The Investment of the Future

The modern world is undergoing tremendous changes, not the least of which includes the widespread legalization of psychedelic drugs. With these changes in legislation have come a number of companies hoping to capitalize on, and further develop psychedelic medicine.

These companies are pioneers in an industry that is almost certain to explode. This article will explore the different psychedelic stocks that you can purchase today so that you can decide if this is something you’d like to include in your portfolio.

How Psychedelics Moved From Illegal Fringe Drugs to Potential Investments

Throughout the world, more and more countries and states are legalizing psychedelics. Psychedelics have been considered illegal and dangerous for many years; symbols of the counterculture movement and rebellion rather than medicine and therapeutic tools.

This is an interesting reality considering that nearly every culture on the planet has historically considered psychedelic drugs to be among the most powerful forms of medicine. Psychedelics have been used to heal individuals and cultures spiritually, physically, and emotionally for thousands of years. It is only our science-driven logical society that has ever considered criminalizing psychedelics, especially those that grow naturally.

shamanic treatments

Even the developers of modern, synthetic psychedelics believed that they should be used primarily for their therapeutic value. Albert Hofmann, the legendary synthesist who first discovered LSD, said that the drug had the remarkable potential for helping people discover insight and learn about themselves.

He was shocked and dismayed that people ever began to use it recreationally and, in some cases, abuse it. Sadly, Hofmann passed away before he was able to see the world change its view on LSD.

It was only a few years after his death in 2008 that researchers in the United States began to push for the government and FDA to reconsider their stance on psychedelics and now, just over a decade later, many states have legalized psychedelics and doctors across the world are recommending them for physical and mental health conditions.

More and more scientists are pushing to study psychedelics and the way that they interact with the human brain and body. The result of this is a rapidly-expanding field of medicine marked by numerous companies producing and manufacturing psychedelic medicines, therapies, and ideas.

People who are interested in capitalizing on psychedelics but who lack the business finesse to actually open their own company can turn instead to psychedelic stocks. Companies like MINDMED and NUMI have gone public and are trading stocks to eager supporters.

Quick FAQ on Psychedelic Stocks

Here are a few quick questions about psychedelic stocks before you get your feet wet.

What are psychedelic stocks?

Well, they’re certainly not stocks that have imbibed any chemical hallucinogens. Psychedelic stocks, as the name suggests, are stocks – shares – of a company that deals with psychedelics. These companies may be involved in psychedelics in any number of different ways, ranging from their production and manufacture to the study and research of their effects.

What are the best psychedelic stocks to buy in 2021?

Asking someone what the best stocks to buy is sort of like asking what the best lottery ticket numbers are. Nobody can predict how well a company is going to do. However, you can get an educated guess regarding the best psychedelic stocks by reading our more detailed analyses in this article.

What are psychedelic mushroom stocks?

Stocks in a company that deals with the research, sale or production of psychedelic (magic) mushrooms.

Is it worth buying psychedelic stocks?

If you believe that the psychedelic industry is going to thrive and be profitable then it’s absolutely worthwhile to buy psychedelic stocks.

What is the difference between psychedelic and normal stocks?

Nothing. Stocks are stocks. The only difference is in the company that the stocks represent.

Why Buy Psychedelic Stocks?

Psychedelics are no longer just in the realm of the rebellious hippie. Psychedelics are now widely acknowledged by scientists across the world for their powerful medicinal benefits.

Psychedelics can produce tremendous changes in consciousness and perception. They are able to produce drastic changes in the way that an individual sees the world, thus allowing for the abrupt cessation of long-term negative beliefs or destructive tendencies.

Psychedelics are an incredibly valuable tool because they can produce these powerful changes in a matter of hours. While these potent, life-changing experiences are rarely enjoyable, they represent the real-time unblocking and processing of traumatic experiences, repressed emotions, and mental health disorders. Psychedelics are often said to produce the same amount of change in a day that several years’ worth of therapy would provide.

This is one of the reasons that psychedelic stocks are sure to thrive. Psychedelics drugs as treatment can produce an actual, tangible change in human behavior and emotional/mental health. Rather than simply slapping an antidepressant band-aid on your mental health conditions, psychedelics can help you uproot the issue to provide permanent change. 

This is a remarkable addition to the entire field of medicine and people are bound to be drawn to psychedelics as more and more people continue to report on the benefits.

Best Psychedelic Stocks to Buy

best psychedelic stocks to buy

As these companies begin to dole out psychedelic medicine to patients struggling with conditions like ADHD, anxiety, depression, and PTSD, the value of their products continues to rise.

Here are a few examples of some of the best psychedelic stocks to invest in 2021. Our research was assisted in part by the psychedelic stocks Nasdaq information.

1. Compass Pathways

Compass Pathways is considered the industry leader in regards to cutting-edge research on the use of psilocybin for treating depression. They have patented their own psilocybin formula, known as COMP360, and they’re currently testing a synthetic form of psilocybin to see how well it might work for treating depression.

Compass was the first psychedelic company to be listed publically on the stock market. That was a bit of a challenge for the company but it looks like they’re on the right track. Their phase 2 clinical trials of COMP360 are going to be finished soon which most likely spells good fortune for the company.

2. Mind Medicine

Based out of Canada, Mind Medicine is working on a number of non-hallucinogenic therapies alongside psychedelic drugs in order to tackle mental health issues from all angles. Their current goals include finding psychoactive treatments for addiction, ADHD, and a number of other mental health issues.

Mind Medicine is currently finishing a phase 2 clinical trial on the use of LSD for treating ADHD. Another similar trial is being done to observe the effects of another psychedelic for treating anxiety.

Mind Medicine is also working on the development of an “LSD neutralizer” called ketanserin. The substance is believed to abort an LSD trip and can be used as an emergency off-switch should patients begin to have a negative experience.

The value of something like this could be tremendous. While psychedelics aren’t likely to cause deadly overdoses like opioids, having an off-switch for when things get ugly could provide a breath of relief to both recreational and therapeutic users. Just like Naloxone kits are used to reverse opioid overdoses, a ketanserin kit could help reverse a bad trip..

3. Numinus Wellness

Another Canadian company, they were the first public organization to receive a legal license to cultivate magic mushrooms for the express purpose of extracting psilocybin. They also have a license to import, export, and distribute various other psychedelics and psychoactive drugs, including but not limited to DMT, psilocybin, and MDMA.

They aim to bring these drugs into the mainstream as medicines rather than recreational drugs. The recent approval of ketamine for treating treatment-resistant depression has had a resounding impact on Canadian life. They are now working on clinical trials involving psilocybin and MDMA for treating various conditions.

4. Cybin

Another company focusing on the various therapeutic uses of psilocybin is Cybin. They have also pioneered the “deuterated tryptamine” programs that are designed to help people overcome issues like depression and addiction. Their first target that they aim to treat with their patented tryptamine, CYB003, is Alcohol Use Disorder.

Taking a stance that affects a huge number of people at present, Cybin publically stated that they were concerned about the effects of the pandemic lockdowns and how they related to alcohol consumption. Increased alcohol use amidst COVID-19 has led to a huge number of problems and Doug Drysdale, CEO of Cybin, says that CYB003 will be able to help people who struggle with alcohol.

Cybin has also developed a sublingual psilocybin film that can be taken under the tongue. This is undergoing phase 2 clinical trials evaluating the medicine’s ability to fight depression.

Final Thoughts on Psychedelic Stocks

The world of psychedelic medicine (at least, legal psychedelic medicine) is relatively new. While psychonauts and medicine men are already well aware of the therapeutic value of psychedelics, science and politics are finally catching up. This has led to an exciting new industry in which various companies are producing new psychedelic medicines and going public with them.

If you believe in the value of psychedelic medicine then you should definitely consider investing in some of these stocks. Companies like Mind Medicine and Cybin are spearheading the psychedelic world and are sure to become very successful.


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