Preparing for a Trip; the Best Tips




Are you planning on embarking on a psychedelic experience soon and are in need of preparation? Look no further! In this article, I am going to be going over a few things that could possibly make or break a trip. There are a few likely scenarios that can occur while tripping that you may want to consider beforehand.

Psychedelics are extremely potent, mind-bending and reality-alternating substances. Additionally, a psychedelic trip can go in so many directions and is pretty unpredictable, to say the least. You are likely to have a ‘better’ time if you develop your own trip preparation protocol. Everyone has their own ways of going about it. I would like to share my personal protocol with you!


How to prepare for a trip: What to think about

When preparing for a trip, there are a few things to look out for. If you have tripped before, you are likely aware of a handful of complications that can arise during a trip. Let’s look at some things that can get in the way of a good trip. But first, let’s start with a book suggestion that hosts a number of guides on how to get the most out of your trips.

Dr James Fadiman is an American author with multiple psychedelic studies under his name. He has been hands-on in the psychedelic community for years and is loved by many. In May of 2011, he published his book, ‘‘The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide; Safe, Therapeutic and Sacred Journeys’’. I can highly recommend this book to anyone who uses psychedelics as it gives an all-around perspective of psychedelics and their role in therapeutic settings as well as ways to enhance their therapeutic potential. Essentially, it is a complete beginner’s guide for psychedelics!

I highly recommend reading this book before doing psychedelics or if you are already a psychedelic user. It is also available on Audible if you are not a big reader but would like to gain the knowledge that this book has to offer. Read this book and thank me later!


1. Trip Sitter

Tripping 101: Always have a trip sitter present! This person should be selected very mindfully. There are a few standard guidelines around trip sitters and how to go about finding one or being one. Here are a few things to look out for.

-Make sure you have a pre-existing deep connection with your trip sitter.

-Your trip sitter must stay sober in case a clear and level-headed decision needs to be made.

-The trip sitter has to know how to make you feel safe and comfortable as psychedelics bring you to very vulnerable states of being.

-Your trip sitter needs to be in charge of giving you an extra dose if necessary. Understanding when a re-dose is not only necessary but extremely vital.

-The trip sitter must have an understanding of how to redirect your focus in case of thought loops and/or over-whelming emotions/thoughts that are likely to arise.

Essentially, your trip sitter needs to have the ability to effectively bring you back down to Earth if you are getting carried away. The nature of a psychedelic trip is full of ups and downs, pushing and pulling… Having a sober friend that understands you, loves you and has your well-being as a priority is a great way to stay centered and avoid necessary suffering.


2. Intentions

Speaking of trip sitters, make sure your sitter is aware of any intentions you have set for your trip. Having a simple and positive intention beforehand can work as an anker point. Sometimes during a trip, we can get so carried away with the wind whirl of emotions, thoughts and sensations that we forget we are even tripping! The intensity of the experience can easily become too much, especially if you forget that you are on psychedelics and find yourself in a pool of confusion.

Having a trip sitter there to remind you that you have indeed taken a substance, you are okay and that the whole experience is temporary can be a huge help. Additionally, having your sitter remind you of your initial positive intention is a great way to ground you, making you take a few steps back after taking what feels like a million steps forward.


3. Setting & environment

When we are under the influence of hallucinogens, the region of the brain that creates the concept of ‘self’ is suppressed. This means it can either be extremely difficult or simply impossible to differentiate yourself from your surroundings because during a trip, there is no such thing as ‘self’. This is also why it is so confusing to look at your reflection during a trip as you are unaware of who or what it is that is looking back at you!

This effect of psychedelics can result in an immensely deep sense of one-ness with your surroundings. That being said, the environment you choose to trip in is crucial. Make sure the space you are tripping in is very clean and tidy so you do not get overwhelmed. It is very easy to get over-stimulated by your surroundings during a trip while your 5 senses are heightened. Additionally, while tripping, you may be able to sense an energy coming from inanimate objects around you. Your brain will be unable to rationalise this sense and you will truly believe that some of the inanimate objects around you are alive in some way. Being surrounded by a lot of stuff (especially if you think said objects are alive) can easily tip someone over the edge.

Want to enhance your senses in a comfortable way? Try laying out some soft pillows and perhaps a few fuzzy blankets before your trip and see what happens! It is also helpful if your trip sitter has access to a pre-planned playlist of songs that make you feel safe and happy. Playing the right music at the right time can help you return when you have travelled just a little bit too far down the rabbit hole. Never underestimate the power of your physical environment when tripping!


cozy room



4. Keep your circle small

Not only do we interact with our surroundings on a very intense level but, we are also inevitably influenced by the individuals that we choose to trip with. If you decide you would like to trip with friends instead of having a solo trip (with your sitter, of course) then there are a few things to keep in mind.

-It is typically easier to have a ‘smoother’ trip when the number of individuals present is smaller. The fewer individuals there are, the less overwhelming it tends to be. Don’t get me wrong, group sessions absolutely have their time and place! However, it can be a lot easier to keep control over your trip when there are fewer people around.

-Those who you choose to trip with should be very carefully selected. Don’t trip with just anyone. This is a scenario where you are allowed to be picky! Tripping is unbelievably vulnerable and the vulnerability you will experience is totally out of your control, meaning you cannot do anything to avoid the vulnerability that comes with tripping. Due to this aspect of the psychedelic experience, it is vital to have very mindfully selected individuals to join you on your journey.

-It is good practice to make sure that everyone who is tripping is on a similar dose. While body weight and substance sensitivity are to be considered, things can go a lot smoother when everyone tripping is on a comparable dose. If you are on a ‘regular’ full dose and your friend is on a ‘heroic’ dose, you are risking potentially being overwhelmed or even frightened by your friend’s more intense behaviour. As annoying and cliché as it sounds, being on the same ‘wavelength’ as those around you makes the world of a difference!


The bottom line

Psychedelics are nothing to mess with and must be respected. Be aware of your timing as psychedelics only enhance your current emotional state. While taking psychedelics during periods of depression has successfully assisted many individuals, it is never recommended unless you are with a professional trip sitter in a clinical or therapeutic setting. A lot can go wrong when you go into a psychedelic trip with a negative mindset. Although psychedelics have demonstrated their ability to ease conditions such as depression, anxiety and in some cases even PTSD, always use them with caution.


  1. Do lots of research and learn how to optimize your doses.
  2. Eat nourishing food beforehand as eating will likely not be possible during your tip.
  3. Make sure your trip sitter keeps you hydrated throughout the duration of your trip.


I feel as though we are moving past the phase of applying psychedelics to party settings. In the West, we are beginning to truly understand the productive ways to apply these mystical substances to our lives. Our motives are becoming more clear and pure. Our knowledge surrounding psychedelics is growing as the taboo of psychedelics simultaneously is dissolving.


Be safe, be mindful and stay grounded. Safe travels!


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